Catnip Society

Adopt A Kitty


About Feral TNR

We Need You!


Cat Care

Just For Fun


Welcome to the Catnip Society


Catnip Society is now signed up with Amazon Smile!
Shoppers who use the link below will see a half percent
go to Catnip with no extra cost to you.

Click, shop, and smile -- You're helping the cats!

Catnip Society Neuter Clinics

Catnip Society Neuter Clinics are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in Mariposa.  $25.00 includes Rabies vaccine for owned cats, ferals are done free and will be ear tipped.  Call 209-966-4780 to sign up your male cats.

Catnip Society

Our Mission Statement

The Catnip Society is a group of private citizens, assisting cats and kittens in California's Central Sierra Mountain Communities. We are a non-profit organization and our goal is to help people solve their cat problems by employing Trap/Neuter/Return programs and encouraging spay/neuter for feral and domestic cats. We have a limited amount of funds and are all volunteers.

The Catnip Society does NOT have an animal sanctuary; however, we will assist you in a limited way to find homes for your pets.

Click here to read Catnip News

Find True Love at the Catnip Society

  • Having a cat reduces your blood pressure and helps prevent heart disease

  • Having a cat's companionship fights depression and loneliness

  • Cats are entertaining to watch and fun to play with

  • Cats will cuddle up with you on a cold evening

  • Cats are independent and can be left alone while you're at work, although two are better

  • A cat's mere presence will ward off unwanted mice and pests

  • Cats are comfortable in small spaces like apartments

  • Cats are very clean; they bathe themselves!

  • A cat's purr is instantly calming and relaxing

  • Cats are affectionate

  • Just 15 minutes a day of playing with you will satisfy a cat

  • Cats are easy to house train, especially adult cats, who are probably already house trained

  • Cats bring a little bit of the wild into your house

  • Indoor cats and spayed/neutered cats live long lives, providing up to 20 years of companionship

  • Cats are cheaper to spay/neuter than dogs, especially big dogs

  • Helping to take care of a cat can help teach a child responsibility and humane values

  • Lots of cats need good homes; when you adopt one, you're saving a life

Catnip Society
Catnip Society

A Non-Profit Corporation serving Mariposa and the surrounding Mountain Communities
(209) 742-1023
PO Box 5008-304
Mariposa, CA 95338